What is steampunk?
Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction that incorporates retro futuristic technologies and aesthetic designs inspired by the 19th century industrial machinery which was powered by steam. The term steampunk was coined by science fiction author K.W. Jeter, who was trying to find a general term for the works of Tim Powers, James Blaylock and himself, all of which took place in the 19th century Victorian era setting.
The features of Steampunk most recognizably include chronologically inconsistent technologies leading to retro yet futuristic inventions. These inventions are based on how people in the 19th century might have envisioned these technologies. The roots of steampunk originate from this era’s perspective of fashion, culture, architectural style and art.
Some earliest examples of steampunk include presentation of technologies such as steam cannons, lighter-than-air airships, analog computers, digital mechanical computers etc. in an alternative speculative history style. Over time, steampunk has evolved from its literary meaning and has found its way into artistic styles, clothing fashions, entertainment industry, music and other sub-cultures.
Most of the work related to steampunk originated from ideas of steampunk and Victorian era fiction. Now, however, the world of steampunk includes a broader range of settings like fantasy worlds, American west and even post-apocalyptic worlds. This incorporation of additional elements from the genres of fantasy and different fictional historical settings makes it a versatile and hybrid genre.
Steampunk works are broadly based on having an industrial and vintage appearance. Therefore most of the material used in creating this form of art involves metal parts and wood. The metal parts include pieces of iron, brass, copper or steel, gears and cogs. The pieces of metal can be in the form of sheets, pipes, metal fittings, wires, screws and many more. Other materials used include glass, antique light bulbs, leather etc..
The tools required to design a piece of steampunk art or craft vary from artist to artist. However most tinkerers consider forethought and drafting a design as an important tool in the creation process. The most common hardware tools required in the creation process include band and table saws, drills, screwdrivers, hammers, wire cutters, glue, soldering irons etc.
Steampunk art and inventions are inspired by the Victorian era and the color schemes are based on the machines, fashion and inventions of this era. The most common color associated with steampunk is brown. It need not be an exact shade of brown but rather having a shade of rusted metal or a shade of leather. The colors seen in the sepia-like tones of photographs taken of the 19th century era are also associated with this retro yet futuristic genre. The shades of brown are usually combined with a reddish yellow palette which hints at the presence of brass. The brown and reddish yellow colors provide a strong visual appearance of a steampunk aesthetic. The colors blue and green are hardly ever associated with this genre.